English version

Multilateral Relations. Participation in city networks.

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The networks of cities are gaining increasing prominence at the international level as a key component of the strategy of internationalization of cities. Participation in these networks constitutes the appropriate institutional framework that allows local governments to exchange successful experiences of local management and cooperate with other cities on issues of urban relevance, in order to increase the quality of public management. In addition, the participation of cities in these networks fosters international articulation that contributes to the expression of local perspectives in regional or global spheres and allows coordinating efforts to address issues of global scale and local impact.

The City of Buenos Aires unfolds an active strategy of multilateral relations, participating in most of the relevant networks that gather cities together, facing the main challenges existing today.

The Management of Multilateral Relations develops a continuous work of management and coordination in the main forums and working groups of these networks; both accompanying the responsibilities and political and executive roles in each space, as well as promoting the participation of technical teams in the thematic areas, where they debate and exchange experiences in areas such as local economic development, sustainability and environment, social development, education, citizen security, urban development, tourism, culture, youth, among others.

The nature of the networks is very diverse and depends on many factors. However, according to the strategy of international insertion of Buenos Aires, the networks of cities can be divided into three sub-groups:


Are those whose nature is to promote the exchange and cooperation between cities in a certain territorial area (e.g.: Southern Cone, Ibero-America).


They are those whose nature is to represent the voice of local governments worldwide, as well as to promote technical exchanges and good practices.


The thematic networks are those dedicated to the treatment, dissemination and cooperation of a specific problem or area of action of local governments.
