Current and future climate

Learn about the evolution of climatic variables over the last 60 years and future estimates.

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In this page:

The climate of the city of Buenos Aires shows significant changes in recent years in terms of increased temperature and rainfall. These modifications impact on a greater frequency in the occurrence of heat waves and a greater risk of floods.

Average temperature evolution (°C)

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Evolution of accumulated annual precipitation (mm)

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Future estimates

Get to know the estimation of temperatures, heat waves and precipitation in the short, medium and long term.

2021-2040 2041-2060 2081-2100
Annual mean maximum temperature 0.8°C 0.9°C 1.7°C and 3.8°C
Cumulative annual precipitation 3% and 5% 3% and 5% 5% and 7%
Cold nights and cold days -3% -6% and -4% -8% and -5%
Warm nights and warm days 5% and 6% 5% and 6% 12% and 30%
Heat wave (additional days per year) 6-8 days 10-15 days 12-60 days

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